Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Treatment provided will be fair and impartial regardless of race, sex, age, source of payment, etc., Discrimination based on these categories is illegal. Staff will provide ethical service; treat all clients with dignity, and support the development of trust between the client and the program.
Treatment will be provided according to accepted clinical practice; informed consent will be obtained and documented before treatment starts.
Patients will be fully informed, as evidenced by a patient’s written acknowledgement, at the time of admission and during ongoing treatment (once the patient is stabilized), of their rights and responsibilities, and of all the rules and regulations governing patient conduct and responsibilities. Such rights and responsibilities are posted in the lobby at each site and a copy is available to patients upon request, they are also reviewed with the patient following admission, at the end of the stabilization period, and then if any changes have occurred. Patients who are unable to read the rules and regulations will have them explained verbally, and such actions will be documented.
Patients will receive adequate and humane services.
This program offers limited flexibility of dosing hours that balance the needs of workers for early dosing and the desire of non-workers to come in later in the day. Staff will facilitate travel whenever possible by providing travel doses (subject to State and Federal Regulations and the clinical judgment of the medical Director) or by arranging courtesy dosing at other clinics.
Patients will receive an individualized treatment plan, participate in the development of that plan, receive treatment based on the plan, and a periodic, joint staff/patient review of the patient’s treatment plan.
The program will provide an adequate number of competent, qualified, and experienced professional clinical staff to implement and supervise the treatment plan, consistent with patient needs.
Staff will provide services based on their professional judgment, review by other staff members and client input.
Staff will conduct “client Satisfaction” surveys to facilitate client input and inclusion into the treatment services provided.
Patients will be encouraged to utilize opportunities for the advancement of their knowledge, comprehension and insight into psychosocial dynamics of their unique situation. Staff will provide information about drugs and alcohol interactions, stigmas and prejudice, scientific advances, alternative medications and/or treatments, and all known components of desirable human change.
Patients will be informed about potential interactions with and adverse reactions to other substances, including those reactions that might result from interactions and adverse reactions to alcohol, other prescribed or over-the- counter pharmacological agents, other medical procedures, and food.
Patients will be encouraged and assisted throughout treatment to understand and exercise his/her rights as a patient, including:
a. Reporting, without fear of retribution, any instances of suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of patients being served in the program.
b. A grievance and appeal process, in accordance with State laws and regulations.
c. Input into program policies and services through patient satisfaction surveys.
Patients will be informed regarding the financial aspects of treatment, including the consequences of nonpayment of required fees.
Patients will be given an assessment, acceptance into the program or, in the case of denial of admission, a full explanation and a referral to another program based upon the results of the initial assessment.
Our Program ensures the safety of patients, staff, and the public from a patient who acts out. Please see the behavioral agreement.
Patients have the right to communicate with program staff in confidence and to have confidentiality of their individually identifiable health care information protected. Patients also have the right to review and copy their own medical records and request amendments to their records.
Patients have the right to treatment that :
a. Is given with full informed consent
b. Is individualized and participatory
c. Responds adequately to patient needs
d. Promotes dignity and is humane
e. Promotes autonomy and patient responsibility
f. Protects confidentiality
g. Protects and promotes overall health and well being.
Our program has Confidentiality policies and procedures to promote and protect patient’s rights as well as their health and well being.
We seek to help human beings build and rebuild healthier and more successful lives based on their own vision and need. Patients are encouraged to give their treatment thought and attention and seek to have the best treatment provided to them.
Treatment will be provided according to accepted clinical practice; informed consent will be obtained and documented before treatment starts.
Patients will be fully informed, as evidenced by a patient’s written acknowledgement, at the time of admission and during ongoing treatment (once the patient is stabilized), of their rights and responsibilities, and of all the rules and regulations governing patient conduct and responsibilities. Such rights and responsibilities are posted in the lobby at each site and a copy is available to patients upon request, they are also reviewed with the patient following admission, at the end of the stabilization period, and then if any changes have occurred. Patients who are unable to read the rules and regulations will have them explained verbally, and such actions will be documented.
Patients will receive adequate and humane services.
This program offers limited flexibility of dosing hours that balance the needs of workers for early dosing and the desire of non-workers to come in later in the day. Staff will facilitate travel whenever possible by providing travel doses (subject to State and Federal Regulations and the clinical judgment of the medical Director) or by arranging courtesy dosing at other clinics.
Patients will receive an individualized treatment plan, participate in the development of that plan, receive treatment based on the plan, and a periodic, joint staff/patient review of the patient’s treatment plan.
The program will provide an adequate number of competent, qualified, and experienced professional clinical staff to implement and supervise the treatment plan, consistent with patient needs.
Staff will provide services based on their professional judgment, review by other staff members and client input.
Staff will conduct “client Satisfaction” surveys to facilitate client input and inclusion into the treatment services provided.
Patients will be encouraged to utilize opportunities for the advancement of their knowledge, comprehension and insight into psychosocial dynamics of their unique situation. Staff will provide information about drugs and alcohol interactions, stigmas and prejudice, scientific advances, alternative medications and/or treatments, and all known components of desirable human change.
Patients will be informed about potential interactions with and adverse reactions to other substances, including those reactions that might result from interactions and adverse reactions to alcohol, other prescribed or over-the- counter pharmacological agents, other medical procedures, and food.
Patients will be encouraged and assisted throughout treatment to understand and exercise his/her rights as a patient, including:
a. Reporting, without fear of retribution, any instances of suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of patients being served in the program.
b. A grievance and appeal process, in accordance with State laws and regulations.
c. Input into program policies and services through patient satisfaction surveys.
Patients will be informed regarding the financial aspects of treatment, including the consequences of nonpayment of required fees.
Patients will be given an assessment, acceptance into the program or, in the case of denial of admission, a full explanation and a referral to another program based upon the results of the initial assessment.
Our Program ensures the safety of patients, staff, and the public from a patient who acts out. Please see the behavioral agreement.
Patients have the right to communicate with program staff in confidence and to have confidentiality of their individually identifiable health care information protected. Patients also have the right to review and copy their own medical records and request amendments to their records.
Patients have the right to treatment that :
a. Is given with full informed consent
b. Is individualized and participatory
c. Responds adequately to patient needs
d. Promotes dignity and is humane
e. Promotes autonomy and patient responsibility
f. Protects confidentiality
g. Protects and promotes overall health and well being.
Our program has Confidentiality policies and procedures to promote and protect patient’s rights as well as their health and well being.
We seek to help human beings build and rebuild healthier and more successful lives based on their own vision and need. Patients are encouraged to give their treatment thought and attention and seek to have the best treatment provided to them.